SCTV promo for Nick at Night: "Fall in Love"

Nick at Nite
R. Tennenbaum
"SCTV" :30

#26 01:20:34 Clay Collins      SULTRY WOMAN'S VOICE:
    sitting lonesome in        What's the matter, sugar?
    chair                      Lonely?

#104 01:19:22    Sammy         Dating got you down?
    Maudlin hugging girl,      Well, why not fall in love
    getting slapped            -- with SCTV...

SUPER: NICK AT NITE            Just dial Nick at Nite:

#118 01:22:03 Flaherty         All you'll need is a loaf 
    produces bread, feeds      of bread...
    Martin; they kiss

#24 01:03:03 Edith             A bottle of wine
    Prickley pulling out
    wine bottle
                               And that special someone 

#23 01:10:40 Lola Heatherton   "I love you!!!"
                               SCTV will do the rest:

#44 01:17:29 Dr. Tongue        "Any chick who smells it 
                               turns into my own personal
                               slave chick!"

#104 01:06:42 Thomas           You can find happiness
    as minister marrying       with SCTV
                               "Do you ----, take --"
                               (laughter continues under:)

Nick at Nite logo w/ heart     Exclusively -- on Nick at Nite

#23 01:15:53 Gerry Todd        "They're almost an
                               aphrodisiac for the video-
                               lover -- take a look-see!"